Confirmation is discipleship.  It is a journey of discovery and a process of connection: to God, self, and others.  We build connection to God through study, prayer and worship; to self by learning and growth in spiritual awareness; to others in relationship-building fun times together, and acts of service to the community.


We are excited to continue our Confirmation program of 2025. Our first meeting is on January 12th at the Lutheran Church of the Cross (Cross). The classes will rotate between the different churches following worship on Sundays. These churches include Advent Lutherean Church (Advent), Hope Lutheran Church (Hope) and Lutheran Church of the Cross (Cross).

But that’s not all!

Each month there will be a city wide (including Airdrie) gathering of all confirmands at 1st Lutheran Church, Calgary. The first meeting will be Sunday, January 19, 1:30-3:00 pm

Please click on the below link to view the Confirmation Schedule for 2025.