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On July 15 and 16 I took part in the ELCIC's National Convention with the theme of "Let There be Greening. It was an online-only experience with worship, reports from Bishop Susan Johnson and others, election of a vice-chair of the National Church Council, the adoption of a budget, and some voting on "housekeeping" issues with the constitution and bylaws -- all of this the minimum essential business for our operation as a church. An in-person special convention is planned for 2023 in conjunction with our Anglican friends at which we will receive, discuss, and vote on church statements and policies.

You can find more highlights, including full election results and video reports from Bishop Susan, National Church Council, and Karin Achtelstetter, executive director of CLWR, at

As an ABT delegate I was happy to participate in the business of the wider church and represent the interests and perspectives of my area of the ELCIC. Events like this are always wonderful reminders that we are part of a larger community of Lutherans, not only in Canada but also around the world. Not only do we bring our own gifts of experience and perspective to the wider church, but we receive ideas and wisdom from others. This is one of the ways in which Christ builds and strengthens his body in the world.

Pastor Kristian