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Lutheran Care Ministry is a partnership of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories, Rev. Peter Chau (retired, Calgary), several congregations (including Hope Lutheran) and the leadership of the Southwestern Area, and Campus Ministry-UofC. It was formed in response to an ever-increasing number of international immigrant families, many fleeing uncertain situations, and with little preparation or support. This includes a large influx of students attending universities and other post-secondary institutions in Calgary. The mandate is to exemplify our care, compassion, and love for those we encounter in our daily activities and in our community. You can visit the website at; this ministry is welcoming volunteers and donatons as it provides ministry with and among those arriving from Hong Kong.

The Chinese Lutheran Fellowship, which forms the core supporting group of Lutheran Care Ministries, meets at Hope on Sunday mornings in the Multipurpose Room… but they have a problem. They are growing in numbers and soon might outgrow the Multipurpose space! Conversations are underway to find a way to accommodate the Chinese Lutheran Fellowship in our sanctuary at an alternate time.
Pastor Peter and his community regularly invite Hope members to events they sponsor for the Hong Kong immigrant community. Last fall and winter this included a Canadian Thanksgiving feast in our Fellowship Hall, and a dinner out for the Chinese New Year on December 21. Stay tuned this fall for events and activities of the Chinese Lutheran Fellowship and Lutheran Care Ministry!