On November 7 we’ll be beginning our season of Advent. This is a season that looks forward with
eager longing to the three comings of Christ: in glory at the end of time to judge and renew the world; in
hidden majesty as he comes into our hearts in the present; and in humility as the child in the manger at
Bethlehem. Sunday worship will be decked in blue and our scripture readings will focus our hearts on
these themes.
You can observe Advent at home by setting aside some time each day for personal prayer and
devotion. Perhaps you will use the readings provided for each day later in this newsletter. During this
time you might like to light a candle, perhaps one of those on your Advent wreath. (You may wish to
find a way to add three candles to the traditional four!)
In this time of ongoing pandemic we are all more acutely aware than ever that “the world is out of joint.”
We all long for a return to normalcy and a renewal of society and culture. What a perfect time to
“practice Advent” as we turn our hearts toward Jesus who comes to rescue and redeem our world.
After discussion at its meeting on November 2 the Worship and Music group decided that,
• having seen no incidents of COVID transmission at past Communion services,
• and given that we have procedures to practice the Lord’s Supper safely,
• and as we start to see a flattening of the latest curve, we will resume celebrating the
Eucharist on 1st and 3rd Sundays. Upcoming Communion services will be:
November 7
November 21
December 5
December 19
December 24
Remember, when you are worshipping online, you are still welcome to prepare a communion table at
home as you participate in the Lord’s Supper with the rest of the community. You can lay out a table
cloth, set up a simple plate and wine glass, supply bread and wine (or grape juice) and taste and see
that the Lord is good as you partake of Christ’s body and blood with the whole church.