Joyce McKenny became a member of Hope Lutheran in the fall of 2014. Being a community volunteer has always been a priority for Joyce and she has given time and energy over the years to organizations such as the Girl Guides of Canada, school PTAs, the Bethany Care Society and various charities sponsored by her employer. After taking an early retirement from her career as a branch manager with a major Canadian bank in 2019, she has been a volunteer with the Hope Church council, most recently in the role as Council Chair. Joyce is one of the accompanists for church services at Hope Lutheran. Being part of a congregation offering prayer and praise to God through music is one of her favorite activities. She also enjoys travel; however, one of her favorite places to simply “be in the moment” is at the top of Nose Hill in Calgary, admiring the vista of the Rocky Mountains, the Calgary downtown skyline and the prairies to the east.
Monday 9am-3pm
Tuesday 9am-3pm
Wednesday 9am-3pm
Thursday 9am-3pm